The list of skilled occupations includes more than 400 occupations, where you will find all kinds of professions: IT, engineers, nurses, doctors, chefs, theatre managers, construction workers and many others.
Australia has different subclasses for skilled visas and each has its own list of occupations.
Employer Nomination Program visas
186 subclass
This visa allows skilled workers to live and work in Australia permanently.
Genuine requirements:
to have the skills necessary for the job;
to be nominated by an Australian employer;
to meet health and character and English requirements.
There are three different ways to apply for this visa:
1. Direct application when you are nominated by an Australian employer.
2. Application through the employer, when you have an employment contract and ready to relocate.
3. Temporary Residence Transfer. To follow this path, you should hold a visa by subclass 457, TSS or relevant A, B or C bridge visa and work full-time for at least three years for your employer.
Qualified independent visa
189 subclass
Independent visa for skilled employees allows you to live and work in Australia permanently.
The advantage of this visa is that you don’t need a sponsor or to be nominated by an employer. If you have the necessary qualification for the job, you can submit an “Expression of Interest” and wait to be invited to apply for a visa.
The applicant should be older than 18 and less than 50 years of age when the invitation is issued.
Skilled Work Regional visa
491 subclass
It is a temporary visa which allows skilled employees to live and work in territorial Australia for 5 years. You can travel within Australia while the visa is valid and apply for permanent residence 3 years after your visa was issued.
Genuine requirements:
your occupation should be on the relevant skilled occupation list;
you must be nominated by a state or territory government agency or have an eligible relative sponsored you;
you need to meet health, character and English requirements.
Temporary Skilled Shortage visa
482 subclass
There are three options under this subclass:
You can get a 2-year short term skilled visa if your occupation is on the Short-term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL). This visa can only be renewed once and is not a path to permanent residency.
If your occupation is on the Medium and Long-term strategic skills list (MLTSSL), you can work in Australia for 4 years. This program does provide a path to permanent residency.
The Labour category is for exceptional circumstances which no other class covers. Your prospective employer has to make a good case for the government to offer a critical skilled visa.

Australia has one of the most comprehensive immigration programs in the world.
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